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  1. 379,00 €

SKU: OG011D0032
Handmade in Italy\nIn silver 925°°\nPlatinum plated.\n\nThese jewels have been made entirely by hand in Italy. Any minor discrepancies are not to be considered as a product defect, but rather a sign of authenticity and uniqueness that accompanies items that are handmade using only the highest standards set by the Italian\ngoldsmith. For cleaning, a soft, dry cloth is recommended.\nWeight: 12.8 g (pair)
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Handmade in Italy\nIn silver 925°°\nPlatinum plated.\n\nThese jewels have been made entirely by hand in Italy. Any minor discrepancies are not to be considered as a product defect, but rather a sign of authenticity and uniqueness that accompanies items that are handmade using only the highest standards set by the Italian\ngoldsmith. For cleaning, a soft, dry cloth is recommended.\nWeight: 12.8 g (pair)\nCufflinks\nThese cufflinks recall Beretta heritage representing the Trident logo which is embossed onn the front face. They are in Silver 925 °° and they have been made entirely by hand in Italy.\n\n “Beretta – since 1526” is laser-etched on the lateral edge and on the backing. The double post keeps the cufflink in the preferred orientation, avoiding the rotation. The central part of the backing is free for customizations.\n \nCufflinks are available in 3 different versions: platinuplated, rhodium plated, and enameled in bright colors (green and blue).\n\n

    Questi gioielli sono realizzati interamente a mano in Italia. Eventuali lievi difformità non sono da considerarsi come difetto del prodotto, ma sono piuttosto segno di autenticità e unicità di ciascun manufatto eseguito nel rispetto dei più elevati canoni dell'arte orafa italiana. Per la pulizia si consiglia l'utilizzo di un panno morbido asciutto.\nPeso: 12.8 g (la coppia)

    100% AG

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