Beretta Earmuffs ensure a protection of 25dB SNR and are characterised by their compact and ergonomic design.
For years, Beretta and its Research and Development department have been continuously investing to design, in collaboration with industry partners, technologically advanced Accessories solutions to protect people’s eyesight and hearing while shooting and hunting.
After working with experts and carrying out field tests with target shooting athletes, Beretta has come up with collections of eyewear and hearing protection devices (earmuffs and earpieces) for civilians, enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Constant research into new technology and close attention to detail ensure high levels of protection and performance.
Beretta Earmuff
39,90 €
(Approx. £ 33,70)
SKU: CF10000002
Beretta Earmuffs ensure a protection of 25dB SNR and are characterised by their compact and ergonomic design.
Quantity | Price |
Protection of 25dB SNR
Technical attenuation data:
H - 32dB
M - 22dB
L - 13dB
SNR - 25dBEach set includes an earmuff carrier strap
100.0% Acrilonitrile-Butadiene-Stirene
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